Category: Programiranje

OSM maxspeed freshness tool

I created Maxspeed freshness tool where you can see if maxspeed tag exists, and if it does – how old it is!…

Insta360 ONE + Mapillary workflow guide

I will try to explain my process how to get best out of Insta360 ONE RS 1-inch camera and successfully upload images to Mapillary. It started out of my frustration of dealing with this camera and Mapillary and I hope you will not have to go through what I have been🙂. I will be focusing here more on software side (how to deal with data) rather than on hardware side (how to set up rig for image capture)….

Karta biciklističkih staza Beograda

Napravio sam sajt za prikaz svih biciklističkih staza i traka u gradovima Srbije: Sajt prikazuje statistiku dužine staza (u km) i mogu da se highlight-uju staze po tipu podloge i po osvetljenosti….

Koju opštinu sledeće mapirati?

Пре извесног времена смо измапирали све куће у Младеновцу. Поставило се питање коју бисмо следећу општину могли да мапирамо. Било је логично узети неку где је мапираност зграда најгора, али како то наћи?…

Problem putujućeg poštara

Kako bi izgledao problem putujućeg trgovca da ga pustimo po gradovima po Srbiji? A kako bi izgledao da ga pustimo po svim poštama po Srbiji?…

Analiza stambenih zajednica – oktobar 2019. update

Pre 2 meseca sam pisao o analizi stambenih zajednica. Sad nastavljam sa vestima o tome što je urađeno i sa novim vizualizacijama i renderovanim mapama!…

Analiza stambenih zajednica

Dugo razmišljam koji su to projekti koji mogu da doprinesu OSM-u u Srbiji. Pogledao sam šta RGZ ima od otvorenih podataka i našao sam samo registar stambenih zajednica!…

Ad-block… ad-block everything (OpenVPN + Pi-hole setup)

Like a lot of people, I am fighting my fight with adblocking. I want to explain (what I think is) my ultimate setup for ad blocking! It consist of installing OpenVPN and Pi-hole to get adblocking experience wherever you are and on whatever device you are…

Performance analysis of DLib’s CNN face detection

Are you using DLib in production for CNN face detection – read on! Introduction These days, I am working on superb new face recognition application that is supposed to be embedded directly in Nextcloud software. It is far from being done, and I am just helping there, but we do have some grand vision:) I…

Best city to live in (climate-wise)

Here is my behind-the-scenes struggle to pull out this analysis, where I wanted to find out what is best city in the whole wide world to live in! …